Saracens Hertfordshire Cricket League
First game of 2024 season: Saturday 11th May 2024
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Important: Club Health & Safety - Risk Assessments / Ground Safety Checks

June 21st, 2023

Dear Hertfordshire Affiliated club,

We hope that the season is going well. In light of a couple of accidents we have been made aware of recently during matches, we are writing to remind you that your club has a duty of care to ensure your ground is a fun and safe environment for all, both on and off the pitch.   

As well as having a risk assessment in place, all clubs should ensure they undertake a safety check of their ground before every match.   We have put together the attached ground safety check list which we urge all clubs to undertake and record before every match to ensure your ground is safe to play.   We have also attached a “Draft” Club Risk Assessment which you may wish to amend and use for your club if you don’t already have one in place.

If you would like further clarification regarding risk assessments or public liability insurance for your Club then please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Dominic Chatfield, Club & Community Manager.


All cricket cubs are responsible for the safety of those around them. It’s up to the club to keep all participants safe by minimising the risk of accidents, injuries and anything else that presents a potential hazard.  It is therefore essential that all clubs have a robust, in date, matchday risk assessment in place for their grounds.  It is also a requirement that all clubs have their own Public Liability Insurance (minimum £5m).   In light of an insurance claim, it is more than likely your Insurers will require a copy of your risk assessment to proceed with the claim.  

Risk assessment in sport definition:
a risk assessment is an evaluation of a specific environment or situation to identify the nature and level of potential hazards and threats to safety.
Once these threats have been identified, you will need to find solutions to manage the risks and protect people as well as possible. This means that you are fully prepared before any activity commences.

What is the purpose of a risk assessment in Sports?

With any organised activity, there are dangers. Sports often present a higher level of danger due to increased physical activity, exposure to certain equipment and environments, and high-contact interaction with others. A sports risk assessment can:

  • - Put reasonable measures in place to keep participants safe from harm.
  • - Give all involved the confidence to perform to the best of their ability.
  • - Help clubs improve their safety protocols over time.
  • - Protect the facility or club from legal action if something goes wrong.

There are five steps to risk assessment processes recommended by the Health and Safety Executive. This checklist is designed to keep you aware of all instances of risk, and to be vigilant in keeping your risk assessment as watertight as possible. The five steps of risk assessment for sports are:

  • - Identify the hazards
  • - Identify who is at risk
  • - Evaluate the risks and find precautions
  • - Carry out the precautions and record results
  • - Review and tweak your risk assessment

Kind regards.  

Julie Page

Cricket Operations Manager /

County Safeguarding Officer
Hertfordshire Cricket Ltd