How many Balls? Ball orders for the 2024 Season
As we enter 2024 clubs will now have to order their cricket balls for the coming season. The cricket balls
order form for the 2024 season is attached to this note. We will have a captains’ meeting in April as last
year where balls can be collected.
The Premier and Championship divisions will continue to use the red Dukes County International ball in all
timed matches and the pink Dukes County International ball in all limited overs matches. The price for each
Duke’s is £27.50, for 2024, slightly up on last year’s price. The three balls that Readers supply are all
priced the same as last year. I have been assured by Dukes that the supply issues for their pink ball that
we had last season have been ironed out.
I have put the details of the ball requirements on the order form for clarity. In addition, those requirements
will be emphasised in the handbook. Please let me have your orders by the end of February so that I can
give the suppliers sufficient notice for the delivery in time for the start of the season/captains’ meeting.
As for 2023 we are hoping to tailor our order for each kind of handbook to the demand from clubs. Can you
please indicate on the order for how many of each book you want (up to a maximum of 5 each per team)
Here is the 2024 ball order form which all clubs will need to complete and email back to me
by 1 March . As in 2023 we would ask clubs to pay for
all their balls electronically. There will be a captains’ meeting in April 2024 where balls can
be collected so I will not need an address for delivery as in the last couple of years. Please
pay Readers directly into their account (NatWest sort 60-60-08, account no. 78041376) I
do not send the order form through to Readers until March so please don’t send your bank
transfer until after 31 March to enable them to have processed the order so that they can
match the payment to the order. When you make your payment please indicate on the
payment notification which club you are so that we and Readers have a record and can tick
off the receipt in our respective spreadsheets and please let me know by email when you
have sent your payment.
The situation regarding the Dukes balls is that you will pay the league and we will pass on
your payment to Dukes in one payment covering our total order. The league’s payment
details are - HSBC sort code 40-12-03, account number 21375261. You can pay for your
Dukes balls when you like but please ensure that the payment is made by 31 March and let
me know when the transfer has been made so that I can tick of your payment on the list and
please put, in your payment advice to Dukes, your club’s name and add ‘Dukes Payment’.
To clarify the ‘Superior Crown’ will be used in divisions 1-3b inclusive. The ‘County Match’ is
to be used below that level, although if clubs wish to use the Superior Crown they can do so.
The Premier and Championship divisions will use the Dukes ‘County International’ red ball in
all their timed games, and use the Dukes County International pink ball in their 50 over
limited over matches.
Please note that the pink ball that will be used in both our T/20 competitions is the Readers
Pink County Match ball- the same as last year. Clubs in the Sunday T/20 clubs will need
to order sufficient balls for the group stages of the competition. The balls for the
quarter finals onwards will be sponsored.
You must, of course, order sufficient balls to cover your league fixtures but, as in the past,
feel free to order as many extra balls as you need for your other cricket–they are very good
value as you know. Clubs new to the Championship might like to order a few extra Dukes
balls for early season practice and to provide suitable spares in case of lost balls during
early season matches. Please make sure that all captains know which balls are to be used
and in which divisions!
I imagine that ,with the early season cancellations in 2023 there may be a few extra balls in
your clubs’ cupboards after the end of last season. Please note that whilst it may be possible
to order extra balls mid-season if you run out, that may not always be the case if there are
supply issues so it’s best to err on the safe side and order a few extra- just in case
Please note that the price of all balls includes vat. and both Readers and Dukes will issue
invoices in the clubs’ names which can be collected at the captains’ meeting in April. Those
clubs that are VAT registered should be able to recover the VAT.
Barry Hellewell
January 2024
Should you need a copy of the ball order letter please Email :